
«The Messingkauf Dialogues»

Helsinki’s Central railway station. More than 30 performers.

The performance was inspired by Bertolt Brecht’s play written in 1941. Tanya Weinstein created this site-specific performance in close collaboration with the actors from various countries: Russian dancers, Viirus theatre, migrant teenagers and students of Drama Academy of Helsinki.

«Ahmed, my actor, is 21. He comes from Iraq. It was he who saved 36 people from execution. Now he is claimed to be a traitor of his native land. He has to stay in Finland expecting the decision of the case by the local authorities – he can’t be sure whether they will turn him up or give him a protected status. Meanwhile he can’t study or work, as he does not have legal permission – which factually means he does not exist at all. He has a terrific smile and the bread he bakes is delicious. And he has a story to tell. Our performance is done by real-life refugees, migrant children, their life, true life, not the one which has been cooked up.»

 Year and location:
2016, Helsinki’s railway station 2016

 Creative team:
Stage management: Tanya Weinstein
Music: Robert Cock
Performance: Alexander Gromyko, Vladimir Kuznetsov, Victor Indman, Maria Alrot, Yessika Lindstrem
Dancers: Alexander Chelidze, Dmitriy Burakov, Yan Nam and others
2019-12-05 05:45