

The perennial problem of the relationship between fathers and children is revealed by the playwright with irony and indispensable French charm. In a house where a large and turbulent family lives, there is unimaginable rumpus. Each of the relatives, whether it's a grandmother, a teenage daughter, or a young son, wants to defend his right to privacy. The children rebel and squall, it seems, against the whole world, parents try to keep the awkward life of the family in some order, and the grandmother quietly plays the game without entering the general altercation. Understatements and intrigue cause endless series of curious and funny scrapes. Linked by family ties, but in the absence of understanding, can all three generations find a common language?

 Year and place:

2012, N.P. Akimov Comedy Theater

 Creative Group:
Director: Semyon Serzin
Ballet: Tanya Weinstein (Priyatkina on poster)
Artist: Valentina Serebrennikova
Lighting designer: Gidal Shugaev
Actors: Pavel Isaikin, Tatiana Polonskaya, Philip Dyachkov/Philip Bajandin, Elizabeth Kuzmina/Olesya Berezhnaya, Alice Popova, Nadezhda Tolubeeva/Elizabeth Kuzmina, Tadas Shimilev, Vera Karpova, Ludmilla Wagner, Roman Ishimov, Jaroslav Vorontsov, Alice Polubenceva, Daria Ljateckaja, Yevgeny Serzin, Tadas Shimilev, Ilya Muhin, Anatoly Andrianov