
«Shakespeare's feast»

Student performances
A combination of plays by an English playwright in the plastic performance, when the monologues of Shakespeare's characters turn out to be personal stories of those who play on the stage.

Why can't a woman play Hamlet? And Juliet, if you're not 16 or 25 years old? What does a young, fragile girl have to go through to understand lady Macbeth? For actors, it is a study at the intersection of personal experiences and stories of Shakespeare's characters through their own fears, doubts, aspirations and pain. What do we feel now, referring to the works of the playwright? Dialog with the viewer will take place in an atmosphere where the characters live and die, love and hate, fight injustice and lies, each for his own truth. Running time 1 hour 30 minutes.

Year and place:
«Skorokhod», 2019

Creative group:
Director: Tanya Weinstein
Producer: Maria Rumyantseva
Lighting Designer: Dmitri Inzhivatov
Artist: Andrei Dyachenko, Maria Rumyantseva, Olga Serebrennikova, Evgenia Khvoynitskaya, Rolandas Rapalasс, Maria Ivanenko, Victoria Oleynikova, Maria Golovina. Evgeniy Tokarev, Victoria Fadeeva, Julia Shorokhova, Christina Tsaryov.