
«Baby blues»

«This performance is about the choice every woman has to make. The choice to be or not to be a mother. I had an idea of taking up three excellent, successful women, who have accomplished their professional career – actresses and dancers – and asking them to tell about their choices. However, it turned out that those women who have chosen not to have babies pulled out of the project. So, the performance has become documentary indeed – multifaceted and true – as real life is. It came out as a performance about mother-hood. About chickens that every female turns into once she has given a birth to a baby, it’s also about our foreordination, as well as about epidural anesthesia, husbands and other things that can be danced out only».

 Year and location:
Skorokhod venue, 2012

 Creative team:

Stage management: Tanya Weinstein
Performance: Liliya Burdinskaya, Gala Samoilova, Anna Budanova

2019-12-06 10:45