
«Six dancing men»

Cool dancers, absolute unpredictability of what is happening, uncompromising involvement of the viewer.

«Six dancing men» - a project created incidentally for the night of museums in 2013. It turned out to be a light joke about modern dance for those who understand. And all of a sudden. First, the project is invited to the Open Look, then asked to dance on the anniversary of «Skorokhod». The performance becomes interesting to the audience. Why so? Maybe it's the lightness, the funny content, the unpredictability (the basis of the performances of the six dancers is always a well-structured improvisation). To be honest, I myself did not understand. But in the meantime we did four different performances: «Six dancing men dance six times», «Six dancing men dance diagonally and in a straight line», «Six dancing men», «Six dancing men dance with and without women». There were twice as many dancers on the stage, and improvisational music was added to the improvisational dance.» Now the participants of the project from time to time pour into performances and shows throughout Europe, or take part in films.

 Year and place: 
2019, «Skorokhod» 

Creative group: 
At different times participated in the project: Alexander Lyubashin, Sergo Larionov, Ruslan Rychagov, Yegor Pleshakov, Jan Nam, Ivan Belozertsev, Alexander Chelidze, Kirill Drozdov, Dmitry Burakov
2019-12-24 17:38