
«The Old Man and the Sea»

The play of the Dzampano puppet theatre is an original stage version of the novella by Ernest Hemingway. The conditionality and metaphor of the puppet theatre in connection with the language of plastic art, dance, accompanied by live music that governs the show – all this allows for the level of depth and generalization that characterize the philosophical-lyrical parable of Hemingway. This play is a story of infinite love of a fisherman to the sea, and the sea to the fisherman. The story of a student waiting on the beach for his Teacher...

From feedback to the play: «Two puppets, old Santiago and a boy with thoughtful expressions of faces, are incredibly sad, amusing and funny to tears in the skillful hands of actors. At the time of the friendly dance of the old man and the boy, all the audience laughs. Puppets depend not only on the professionalism of the actors, but also on their moods and relationships in the creative community. As you watch «the Old Man and the Sea», you realize that there is a single, powerful team on the stage, ideally sounding like a properly configured tool in the hands of an experienced wizard.»

 Year and place:
2011, Dzampano

 Creative Group:
Director: Tanya Weinstein
Artist: Gulnaz Fatyhova
Actors: Alexandra Bajrakovskaja, Yevgeny Filimonov, Boris Fish, Alexander Makovsky, Alyona Kuchkova
Music: Yegor Talikov – flute, Constantine Filatov – double bass, Alexander Makovsky – button accordion

2019-12-06 12:17