
«Honeyed is the fruitage»

This is a documentary performance about the change of place of living as well as about our nomadic world in which the change of residence: country or city, seems to be the easiest way to solve one’s problems. Moving home is shown as a way of delaying or putting off the solution of the problems, escaping your assignments, work, relations and the necessity to make up your mind. The extensive development of new territories replaces intense spiritual life.
Our culture tends to migrate. It’s hard to tell whether it’s for better or for worse. What matters is why do people migrate, what is it that drives some people to set off to a new place and what is it that makes others stay where they are. What is the prime cause of their decisions? What leads to a change of residence? The authentic interviews with real people, their stories and their incentives serve as the dramatic source of the performance.

 Festivals the performance has been shown in:
• The Days of Saint-Petersburg in London, October 2014
• The tour to Kiev, summer 2013
• OPENLOOK Russian Case, August, 2014
• Tour to Doc. Theatre, Moscow, 2013-2015
• Festival at Ohta.Lab, April, 2017

 Year and location:
Skorokhod venue, 2013

 Creative team:

Stage management: Tanya Weinstein
Choreography: Alexander Lyubashin
Performance: Tanya Weinstein, Alexander Lyubashin
Footlights: Sergey Lyubashin
Playbill design: Maxim Zhuravlyov

2019-12-06 10:35