

Dancing as a way not to burst into tears.

«One can’t tell stories like these about women. Women who are absolutely downtrodden. Women who are doomed to be eternal victims. What one must speak about is success, abilities, intelligence and achievements. I’ve got it all. While these stories are just the stories that I never tell anybody. Not a single person. For I am too embarrassed to speak out. Embarrassed for having wanted, longed and loved…» «Three». By Veyer Tyuhtill.

«Three» is a cross-disciplinary project which is a mixture of documentary, bodily and multimedia theatre. It’s a story of a woman who has been dating with three men at different periods of her life. It’s a tale of emotional and physical violence, the experience of coping with pain and women’s strength. You learn that we are not shaped as individuals even by the most terrible moments of our life… «However, I must start with the narrative of that moment when I was walking away from the police station with a white plastic bag in my hands... It was when a certain period of time passed after it all had happened, though the trial was still ahead. The bag contained my dress. My dark-blue dress. I came back home and just sat down on the floor in the hall. I wanted to take the dress out and undid the bag. The smell hit me hard. It was too strong. It hit me down on the floor just in the way that man had done it. It was the smell of that man. A policeman had cut out a square of cloth for forensic tests. A strap was still torn off after that night. I fixed it later. I patched up the dark blue dress with the red thread. And I never – just never, listen, never wore it again.» This performance is a hymn to all women. Women who are beautiful, strong and superb no matter what happens to them.

The premiere is slated for 6-7 of August 2017, Valtimon teatteri Helsinki.
The premiere is slated for September, Skorokhod venue, Saint Petersburg

Year and Location:

Joint production of Valtimon teatteri (Helsinki) and Skorokhod (Saint-Petersburg)

— Creative team:
Scenario: Veer Tyuhtill
Stage management: Tanya Weinstein
Choreography: Tanya Weinstein and Mikko Lampinen
Multimedia, footlights ,sound: Mikko Lampinen
Performance: Regina Shevakova
2019-12-05 05:21